Everyone wants to earn money by their websites. Adsense is the best choice for them. Now a days Getting a Google Adsense account approval is very very difficult. Without understanding the basic things they are trying to get an account approval from Google Adsense. So its important for you to know the basic methods to get your Adsense account approved.
Method 1 : Write Unique and Relevant Article
In our lot of articles we tried to notice you that you need to concentrate in your content. try to write unique. Its very important for newcomers, a unique content is the key for their success. Traffic is the main reason to get approval or not. If you are getting good traffic then you can easily get Adsense approval. But traffic doesn't come anyway, to get it your site should have unique and good quality content.
Method 2 : Create an Account with Google Analytics and Google webmasters and Link Your Account With it
Want to get report of your Daily Traffic? So Google Analytics and Google Webmaster is better choice for you. You should have account here and link your website with it to get your site's daily traffic report. To create account you would have to go Google Analytics homepage and Google webmaster homepage
Note: In creating Google webmaster account you should have to log in to your domain website, its mean that website where you have bought your domain.
Method 3 : Optimize SEO on Your Web Page
A great and very very important method for your page, not for only Adsense also for your blog health. Without this its almost impossible for you to get Adsense approval. Try to focus on your page SEO and don't forget to check is your page on Google search engines.
Method 4 : Optimize your Blog's Template
Without having a good blog template its difficult to get good traffic. A good template attract your readers to your blog. If you are a template designer then design a good template for your blog and for the only blogger they can download template from Template site for your blog.
You have to create 3 much needed pages in your blog :
1. About me/us
2. Contact me/us
3. Privacy Policy
Method 5 : Create 3 Much Needed Pages in your Blog
You have to create 3 much needed pages in your blog :
1. About me/us
2. Contact me/us
3. Privacy Policy
Method 6 : Patience
You can not get Adsense approval in a day by doing this methods. you have to Wait for at least 6 months and during that time increase the traffic to your web site, which will make your blog really popular before getting Adsense approval.
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