Tuesday, 29 July 2014

*Spoilers* WWE SmackDown Results (Airing 8/1)

WWE taped this week's episode of SmackDown on Tuesday night from Corpus Christi, Texas.

- Jack Swagger defeated Cesaro with the Patriot Lock. Rusev and Lana come out after the match and challenged Jack Swagger to a match at SummerSlam. Zeb accepts on Swagger's behalf.

- Randy Orton comes out, cuts a promo on Roman Reigns and challenges him to a match at SummerSlam.
- Kane and Seth Rollins vs. Dean Ambrose in a handicap match is announced for later.

- R-Truth defeated Bo Dallas by disqualification when Bo wouldn't break a referee's 5-count. After the match, Dallas beat Truth down and cut a promo.

- AJ Lee defeated Rosa Mendes by submission in a short match. Afterwards, Paige attacked AJ at the top of the ramp and laid her out. Officials check on AJ while Paige skips away.

- Kane and Seth Rollins defeated Dean Ambrose by disqualification when Ambrose hit Kane with a steel chair. Rollins ran away and Ambrose continued to attack Kane with the chair.

- Footage is shown of AJ Lee being taken away on a stretcher with a neck brace on.

- Diego (with Summer Rae and Layla) defeats Fandango after the Divas distracted Fandango.

- Alberto Del Rio defeated Dolph Ziggler by submission with his cross armbreaker. The Miz was on commentary and interrupted the match by standing on the commentary by mocking/distracting Ziggler, allowing Del Rio to get the win.

- Chris Jericho defeated Erick Rowan with the Codebreaker. The stipulation was that if Jericho won, Rowan was banned from ringside for Jericho's match against Bray Wyatt at SummerSlam. After the match, Bray Wyatt attacked Chris Jericho

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