S0 herez the results!!!!!
The show opened with tribute to Nelson Frazier JR.Aka Big Daddy V who passed away recently.They showed some of their clips and a good clip.Some WWE viewers were crying after that video.Cause a series of great superstars they were missing.This can also be said that the value of a thing double after losing it. ):
Batista came on in ring and he talked about that he loves this business and this is his home and he glad to be here.He said the fans must not support but they might have to deal with me cause the fans are the part of this family who is supporting who are the breadwinner of this family.He said he will destroy anyone they put infront of him yepiii.HE said if the fans think their heroes are better than him he will destroy everyone of such heroes.(beware john cena & Daniel ) .He said he will destroy all the heroes on his way to wrestle mania.Dolph ziggler came out he told that batista cant tell the crowd who to cheer or not .It is their own decision .It is their choice . They can vote anyone they want .He called Batista a dinosaur who will soon extinct.Zigler challenged batista to match and batista accepted . Zigler hit a dropkick on batista before leaving the ring.
The real Americans VS BIG E LANGSTON & Mark Henry:
This match was good crowd was surprised to see a mark henry again.They though hall of pain mark henry will single handedly win this match and will beat the real americans to their final pain limit.In the match henry went for a World Strongest Slam on Jack Swagger . Really I thought that was it but as you know in WWE the results changes in seconds. Cesaro kicked henry to save his partner from being world strongest slammed. Swagger hit Ankle Lock but Ceasro tagged himself in the match to take care of henry.Cesaro hit a neutralizer on Henry to get the win. Wow! after this match my respect for ceasro increased with height . With more that 450 pounds being lifted by Cesaro you must say that Cesaro is really good. He earned my respect.
Enj0y with fJ
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